Promoció 2009-2010

Archive for the ‘It's English Time!’ Category


Dimarts, Febrer 3rd, 2009

 Working others subjects in English. A little bit of Mathematics and History.

(Treballem altres assignatures en anglès. Una mica de matemàtiques i història)



The Romans used symbols to represent numbers. They were able to create a system to express all numbers, from 1 to 1000.000 using only seven letters. We don’t count with Roman numbers now, but we see them everywhere. We use them on some clocks and watches, on posters, and sometimes on pictures and statues.In occidental Europe this system was substituted, for general uses, by Arabian numeration in the XIV century. 



  The symbols: 

Here are the symbols that the Romans used:I  means 1V means 5X means 10L means 50C means 100D means 500M means 1000They didn’t have a symbol for zero. 

  How to read Roman numbers:  

To read Roman numbers, add the symbols together. But be careful! When there is a small number before a big number, you subtract the small number from the big number.  



These are the works that we create to practice this unit 

“About me” 
I’m XI’ve got I brother
My brother is XX
My mother is XLVI
And my father is XLVIII
My grandmother is LXXXVI
We live at number XXXI Irelans Street
IV people live in my house
My doy is V
My birthday is on the XXII of April.



I like playing football with my cousins. They are IV and VI years old.My dad is XLIV and my mum is XXXIX, my oldest brother is XVI years old.On Saturdays I go to play basketball in “Les Comes” with some friends, and my brother too.


"My family and pets"
Hello teacher Assumpta I'm Oriol, I am X years old.
My father is Xavier, he's XLVI years old.
My mother is Gemma, she's XLIX years old. 
My grandpa is Ramon ad my grandma is Roser and Angelina.
Ramon is LXXXVI years old, Roser is LXXXIII years old.
Angelina is LXXXIII. My uncle Salvador is LIII years old,
and my auntie is Montserrat, she's LV years old.
She has a cat its name is Perlet and it is II years old, it's a crazy cat!.
I have a dog its name is Bac and it is VII years old.
She's got three kittens Bufona, Luna and Pruna. 



“About me” 
I'm X. My name's Marcel·la. my name has VIII letters.
I've got I brother and I sister.
My brother is XIV and my sister is XVII.
My mother and my father are XLIV.
I live at number VIII.
V people lives in my house.
My birthday is on the XXII of April.
My favourite number is II.
At VIII hours I get up.
At IX h I go to school.
At X-XI-XII-X h I stay in class:
At I-II-III h I have lunch.
At III-IV-V h I sat in class again.
At V-VI h i do homework.
At VI h I have tea.
At VII-VIII h I play.
At IX h I have dinner.
At X h I go to sleep.




My mum is XLIV years old, her birthday is on XXIII of May.
My dad is XLII years old, his birthday is on XV of August.
My brother Ivan is XXIII years old, his birthday is on XXVIII of October.
My brother Jose is XXII years old, his birthday is on X  of January.
My sister Mary is XXII years old, her birthday is on XXI of March.
My name is Mònica, I'm X years old , my birthday is on XXVIII of August.



Aprenem anglès des de la “web”

Divendres, Novembre 21st, 2008

As you know, this year we’ve got a new learning resource for English language that consists on computer either working in school or from your house. Revise the contents that we work lesson by lesson and, participate in the activities and games that “INCREDIBLE ENGLISH KIT” characters propose you.

Go to the right side link that appears in your computer screen and you’ll access to the main page of   “INCREDIBLE ENGLISH KIT”, click on the number bellowing to your course and check your know ledges.

(Tal i com ja sabeu, aquest curs tenim  un nou recurs d’aprenentatge de la llengua anglesa que és mitjançant l’ordinador, ja sigui des de l’escola o des de casa.  Repasseu els continguts que treballem lliçó a lliçó i,  participeu en les activitats i jocs que us proposen els personatges de “INCREDIBLE ENGLISH KIT”.

Situeu-vos a l’enllaç que apareix a la part dreta d’aquesta pantalla i accedireu a la pàgina principal de “INCREDIBLE ENGLISH KIT”, cliqueu  sobre el número que correspon al vostre curs i poseu en pràctica els vostres coneixements.)

Animal Poems

Dimecres, Març 5th, 2008

Do you want to read poems about animals?  Our students from class 4 have invented some and here expose them for you to read.


rana gif


Dolphin, dolphin

Beautiful dolphin


Dangerous dolphin


Blue and grey

I love dolphins



Dogs, dogs

The most beautiful animal!

Dogs, dogs

Friendly dogs!

Dogs, dogs

Black,  brown and grey dogs

I love dogs



 Cat, Cat

Beautiful cat

Cat, Cat

Funny Cat

Cat, Cat

Black and white cat

I love cats



Dogs, dogs,

Friendly dogs!

Dogs, dogs

Tallest dog!

Dogs, dogs

Brown and black dogs!

I love dogs

Mònica B.


Cat, cat

Beautiful, cat!

Cat, cat

Dangerous cat

Cat, cat

White and brown.



Frogs, frogs

Small frogs!

Frogs, frogs

Short frogs!

Frogs, frogs

Green and black frogs

I love frogs!



Dogs, dogs

Beautiful dogs!

Dogs, dogs

Friendly dogs!

Dogs, dogs,

White and brown dogs

I love dogs.

 Mònica G.


Panther, panther

Dangerous panther!

Panther, panther

Beautiful panther!

Panther, panther,

Black panther!

 I love panthers!!



Dogs, dogs

Friendly dogs!

Dogs, dogs

Funny dogs!

Dogs, dogs

White and brown dogs!

I love dogs!



Lions, lions

The most dangerous lions!

Lions, lions,

Biggest lions!

Lions, lions

Brown and orange lions

I love lions!


Elephants, elephants

Big elephants

Elephants, elephants

Old elephants

Elephants, elephants

Funny and grey elephants.

I love elephants



Tiger, tigers

Beautiful tigers,

Dangerous tigers

 Tigers, tigers

Black and yellow tigers

 I love tigers.



 Monsters, monsters

Big monsters!

Monsters, monsters,

Dangerous monsters!

Monsters, monsters,

Yellow, orange, red, green and blue monsters.

I love monsters!



Dogs, dogs

Beautiful, dogs

Dogs, dogs

Dangerous dogs

Dogs, dogs

Black and yellow dogs

I love dogs



Lion, lion

Beautiful lion

Lion, lion

Dangerous lion

Lion, lion

Orange lion

I love lions



Monkeys, monkeys

Funny monkeys!

Monkeys, monkeys

Short monkeys!

Monkeys, monkeys

Brown and black monkeys

I love monkeys!



rana gif                                                                                                    rana gif

What’s the weather like?

Dimecres, Febrer 13th, 2008

Els alumnes de 2n CM hem elaborat un mural per aprendre el vocabulari relacionat amb  els fenòmens meteorològics més comuns i,  ser capaços de descriure diàriament quin temps que fa a Igualada. El vocabulari  i expressions que hem treballat són les següents:

It’s raining

It’s sunny

It’s windy

It’s foggy

It’s snowing

It’s cloudy

It’s hot

It’s cold

What’s the weather like today?

Today it’s…