Promoció 2018-2019

Archive for the ‘English’ Category

English Theatre - Merlin the Wizard

Dilluns, Abril 24th, 2017


It's time for English Theatre. Merlin the wizard arrives in an adapted version for Primary.  To continue working the key competences of this project click on the image and practice what you liked the best.



Theatre time! Seven goats

Dimecres, Març 25th, 2015




Last Monday pupils from 1st, 2nd and 3th course of Primary Education went to the theatre to enjoy from a play in English language. As every year, we’ve been working in a project before and after the show. It is a complementary experience that gives the students an opportunity to improve their knowledge.


If you want to listen to the songs again, click on the image. 









Funny Learning

Divendres, Novembre 22nd, 2013





Improve your knowledge of the contents that we’ve already worked in class.


Enter to the web Incredible English Kit  by clicking on the image! 



Learning is Fun!!!






Colours project

Dimarts, Gener 24th, 2012

Els esquirols han participat en un mini projecte per revisar i ampliar els coneixements sobre els colors. Entre d'altres coses han elaborat un globus de colors. Com a cloenda han memoritzat i cantat una cançó molt bonica relacionada amb aquest tema.

Fes clic sobre aquesta imatge per recordar els noms dels colors.