Promoció 2019-2020

Archive for the ‘It's English Time’ Category


Dilluns, Novembre 18th, 2019

Autumn has come and leaves are falling from the trees creating one of the most beautiful sceneries around us.


Discovering these places and their characteristics we started working with autumn landscapes in Art classes.


In groups, we have mixed different materials and papers to create our particular autumn woods.


Here you are the result of our productions and creations.



 Have a  look!


English Project

Dimarts, Gener 29th, 2019


Our school kids have been working in several projects during English Classes. Here you have got some pictures about the procedure of some activities like creating some visual support charts and a game for practising simple past form.



 Have a look!

English Theatre - Merlin the Wizard

Dilluns, Abril 24th, 2017


It's time for English Theatre. Merlin the wizard arrives in an adapted version for Primary.  To continue working the key competences of this project click on the image and practice what you liked the best.



Practice English with the computer

Dijous, Octubre 20th, 2016



Practice English with the computer connecting on the Incredible English Kit 3 website. You can revise the vocabulary and play some games to improve your knowledge of every unit.  You can also use some funny resources and share with your family and friends.


Here you are the link to start enjoying!!




Dilluns, Abril 25th, 2016


It’s time for English! It’s time for theatre!

As every year we introduce our students in different types of activities to promote the oral comprehension of this language. One of our favourite outings is theatre.


This term we are preparing an interesting and well-known play called “The vain Little Mouse”. We’ve been working on the story of this tale and his main character the little mouse.


It’s really interesting! 


If you want to listen again the songs and the videos of the play click on the image bellow.


Theatre time! Seven goats

Dijous, Març 26th, 2015




Last Monday pupils from 1st, 2nd and 3th course of Primary Education went to the theatre to enjoy from a play in English language. As every year, we’ve been working in a project before and after the show. It is a complementary experience that gives the students an opportunity to improve their knowledge.


If you want to listen to the songs again, click on the image. 





Fem escultures amb fang i ampliem vocabulari anglès…

Dilluns, Febrer 16th, 2015


Com que hem estat aprenent coses sobre els pingüins… n'hem modelat un amb fang!


Primer vam començar modelant la plastilina per tal d’aprendre els passos a seguir si volíem un bon resultat. A continuació, vam repetir el procés però amb el fang i, de mica en mica, anàvem donant-li forma: the wings (ales), the body (cos), the beak (bec)… Tot i el bon resultat, cal dir que no va ser gens fàcil!



Mentre els pingüins s’anaven assecant, vam anar portant pedres a l’escola, les quals farien de suport per la nostra figura. Aquestes les vam pintar de color white (blanc) i en vam fer de totes les mides, big and small (grans i petites)!



Si voleu veure el procés i el resultat final, feu un cop d’ull a les fotografies!


Have a look!!


It’s English Time!

Divendres, Novembre 22nd, 2013




Practica anglès des de casa i repassa el que hem treballat a l'aula! Recorda que aquest curs ja ets la lletra…

Do you want to practice English? 
Here you are some activities to review what we’ve already worked in class!!!!
 Ask your parents for help and enjoy with the characters of Playschool! 
Learning is Fun!!!

Families! Click on this image to have complete information on what we work and how you can help your children 



Happy birthday!

Dimarts, Gener 24th, 2012
Aquesta setmana un dels personatges del nostre àlbum ha fet l'aniversari, per aquest motiu hem preparat una festa molt divertida. Ha anat molt bé per aprendre noms d'aliments en anglès. Els vols veure? Fes clic sobre la imatge.
Vols practicar la cançó de "Happy Birthday"? Fes clic sobre la Melody.