Promoció 2015-2016

Archive for the ‘English’ Category


Dilluns, Abril 25th, 2016
 It’s time for English! It’s time for theatre!


As every year we introduce our students in different types of activities to promote the oral comprehension of this language. One of our favourite outings is theatre.


This term we are preparing an interesting and well-known play called “Oliver Twist”. We’ve been working on the story of this novel and also with the life facts of its author Charles Dickens.


It’s really interesting! 


If you want to listen again the songs and the videos of the play click on the image bellow.


Working with computers!

Dimecres, Gener 27th, 2016

This term, the 6 grade students in Jesús-Maria Primary School, are working on a project called An English Spoken Country.


This task consists on creating a final project which describes, in English of course, different contents of a country. 


The procedure includes the practice of a variety of aspects such as creating logos, a front page, and designing characteristics.


The aim is to be able to create our own project as best as we can, using the technologies, creativity and foreign languages.



Bernat Marimon i Clàudia Terés


Here there are some images showing how we are working in class.


Divendres, Desembre 4th, 2015


The students of class 6 have been working graphs and charts.


We have been practicing a lot making graphs using the computer with the Excel program too. We have studied parts and types of graphs. Also we have been doing the reading of the charts results.


Now you can see some examples of our work.





Berta Lamolla, Fiorella Queirolo, Pol Termes


Theatre time! A Yankee in King Arthur’s Court

Dijous, Març 26th, 2015



As every year, we’ve been working in a theatre project. In that occasion, we’ve selected an adaptation of a Mark Twain’s novel. A Yankee in King Arthur’s Court is a modern play about one of the most famous books ever written. It is a funny way to show students a bit of culture and a lot of English. In fact, it is a complementary experience that gives the opportunity to improve the learning of the English language.


Here you can practice one of your favourites songs, click on the image.


Have a nice time!




It’s not that hard!

 If you want to win the game,

If you want to pass the exam,

If you want to get the girl, listen!

All you have to do is try!

You will see: it’s not that hard at all!


If you want to win the game,

If you want to pass the exam,

If you want to get the girl… It’s not that hard!

But beware friend, they might say: “What comes easy will soon go away”,

(spoken: Ha, ha, ha don’t listen to them! C’mon!)

 That’s not true!


If you want to win the game,

If you want to pass the exam,

If you want to get the girl,

You should try it, just give it a go!


If you want to win the game,

If you want to pass the exam,

 If you want to get the girl, don’t waste your time


If you want to win the game,

If you want to pass the exam,

 If you want to get the girl, it’s not that….hard!


Funny Learning

Dijous, Novembre 21st, 2013



Improve your knowledge of the contents that we’ve already worked in class.


Enter to the web Incredible English Kit  by clicking on the image! 



Learning is Fun!!!





English Theatre Project

Dimecres, Desembre 22nd, 2010


“The Vain Little Mouse”




El passat 26 de novembre els nens i nenes de 1r i 2n vam anar al Teatre Ateneu d’Igualada a veure l’obra  “The Vain Little Mouse”,  en català  “ La Rateta Presumida”. Prèviament a l’aula vam treballar el vocabulari i les cançons que, per cert, ens van agradar moltíssim. Els personatges de l’obra van ser molt divertits, especialment el “DUCK” que ens va fer riure molt.  Tanmateix vam practicar l’anglès escoltant-lo i parlant-lo, ja que ens van preguntar algunes cosetes del vocabulari.  Tots i totes ens vam aprendre molt bé una frase que deia: “Little mouse, little mouse, would  you like to marry me?” … vosaltres sabeu què significa?….. Una curiositat d’aquesta adaptació del conte de la Rateta va ser que finalment aquesta no va acabar a la panxa del gat, sinó que ben espavilada ella, va trobar un ratolinet molt eixerit que finalment va ser el seu marit.  Aquest final ens va semblar “very, very good”.

Els esquirols som Playschool a l’hora d’anglès

Dimecres, Novembre 12th, 2008

Tal i com ja sabeu aquest curs tenim nous personatges que ens acompanyaran a l’hora de treballar la llengua estrangera. Que ens ajudaran aprendre moltes paraules en anglès i que a més, ens proposen activitats divertides que podem realitzar a l’ordinador des de l’escola amb la “teacher”, des de casa amb la família  i…  mica en mica solets.


Si teniu ganes de passar una estona entretinguda i aprendre anglès amb els amics de “PLAYSCHOOL” podeu connectar-vos a aquest enllaç. 

Recordeu que els pares i mares també hi teniu cabuda mitjançant l’apartat “PARENTS” on trobareu informació molt interessant sobre com dedicar i compartir estones a l’aprenentatge de l’anglès amb els vostres fills i filles.