Aquest curs la nostra auxiliar de conversa ha sigut la Rikke, una noia danesa molt simpàtica i que ha deixat que els alumnes de sisè li fessin una entrevista per tal de conèixer més aspectes d’ella.
- What’s your name? Rikke
- How old are you? I’m 21
- Where are you from? I’m from Denmark
- What do you study and why? I study economics because I love Maths
- What do you like about Catalan culture? People is friendly and social
- Do you miss anything from your country? Family, friends and food
- Tell me one aspect that you like from your country and another that you don’t like. I like Christmas and I don’t like cold weather.
- When are you going to return at home? At the end of June
- How would you describe this school? With a very high English level
- Which is the most important difference between your city and this? People
- Are you enjoying this experience? Yes, A lot!
Thank you for your information Rikke!!!